Learn WordPress Course Cohort Feedback Survey

Thank you for taking part in the Learn WordPress Developing your first block course cohort. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed facilitating it.

To improve the course cohort for future participants, please consider taking this short survey, to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the course and its content.

This survey is entirely anonymous, and all fields are optional. At the end, there is a field for your email address if you would like to provide more detailed information on any of your responses.

What were the learning outcomes you hoped to achieve from this course? (choose as many as you like)

Did this course successfully achieve those outcomes?

Were there any topics you expected to see in this course, that needed to be covered?

Were there any topics in this course that you felt were unnecessary? (choose as many as you like)

What did you like about the way that the course content was presented?

Were there specific aspects of the course content presentation that you found unsatisfactory?

Were the instructions for assignments and activities clear and easy to follow?

Did you find the course workload manageable within the given timeframe?

Is there anything that you feel would have made this course more successful for you?

Are there any other comments/suggestions or feedback that you would like to share?

If you would like to provide additional information about any of your questions, please leave your email address below.